So many people don’t believe the Bible—the Word of God. He is the Beginning and the End, and His Word says the end of all this evil is almost over. He is the Creator of all good things and we have the right to choose Him or to choose satan. It seems to me that anyone who doesn’t believe the Word of God is out of his mind. You can get mad at me if you want to, but I couldn’t care less. I’m not going to miss the opportunity to tell you about a place called Heaven.

The Bible says that man sinned against a holy God and payday is coming. The Bible says, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” I’m not asking anyone to like me or what I write about, but I am instructed to win souls to Jesus Christ. He says if someone is on the wrong path, snatch them off it. I know that is hard to do because people don’t want to listen to anyone else. People think they know it all just because they might have a degree from some college. Well, I haven’t been to college but I have a degree in plain old common sense. Don’t talk to me about some other kind of Jesus because it is not logical—do not lean on your own understanding, but acknowledge God and trust in Him.

I was told in my growing up years that I was a dummy and wouldn’t amount to anything. God made a liar out of those who told me that. What does man know anyway? God is God, no matter who believes it or not. Those who don’t believe will pay for it in the end. Can you believe that some are so stupid to take a chance on going to a place called Hell? They say they don’t believe in Hell and I ask them, “Then why does the Bible talk about it so much?” God said for me to just believe His Word and not let anyone deceive me and take me to Hell. That is the place created for the devil and all of his angels that went with him in his rebellion against God, but Jesus went to the cross so we could go to the Promised Land—Heaven.

The road to Heaven is narrow and not many are on it. If you don’t believe in God and His way, you are on the wide road that leads to Hell. There are a lot of people that believe in God but they are not trusting Him and obeying Him, so they are on the wide road because they are not living right. People say, “Who are you to judge me?” I’m not judging anyone; I know what I see and I’ll leave it at that. All I know is that the time down here is getting short. People say that Christians have been saying that for years and years and no one knows when the end will come. That’s right, but the Bible says that a thousand years is like a day to God. So I say, “Please don’t live like hell on earth every day just because you think you have a lot of time.” God is forever—He IS time—and He wants you to live forever with Him.

I’m glad He waited on me and saved me from the wrath to come. If I think I’m going to be liked by the world, then I’m crazy. The Bible says they will hate me and want to kill me just because I believe in Jesus’ name. So be it! I’m not forcing anything on anyone. God the way you want to go, but I’m just obeying Jesus when He said to tell you. It’s up to you to believe it or not. The Bible says that every knee is going to bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. What will you do then?

By Charlie Huff

Charlie Huff is a local resident and guest columnist.