Photos courtesy of GCP&T

Greene County Parks & Trails’ Brianna Trangenstein and Grounds Supervisor Dave Dudgeon move a wreath from the truck before hanging it at the Greene County courthouse. The Greene County Highway Department loaned the bucket truck to the maintenance team to hang the wreaths.

GCP&T Maintenance Supervisor Dave Dudgeon places the wreath above the courthouse entrance. 

GCP&T Maintenance Lead Grant Burtch Maintenance Supervisor Dave Dudgeon prepare to lift the wreath to the second floor.

Photos courtesy of GCP&T Greene County Parks & Trails’ Brianna Trangenstein and Grounds Supervisor Dave Dudgeon move a wreath from the truck before hanging it at the Greene County courthouse. The Greene County Highway Department loaned the bucket truck to the maintenance team to hang the wreaths. courtesy of GCP&T Greene County Parks & Trails’ Brianna Trangenstein and Grounds Supervisor Dave Dudgeon move a wreath from the truck before hanging it at the Greene County courthouse. The Greene County Highway Department loaned the bucket truck to the maintenance team to hang the wreaths.

GCP&T Maintenance Supervisor Dave Dudgeon places the wreath above the courthouse entrance. Maintenance Supervisor Dave Dudgeon places the wreath above the courthouse entrance. 

GCP&T Maintenance Lead Grant Burtch Maintenance Supervisor Dave Dudgeon prepare to lift the wreath to the second floor. Maintenance Lead Grant Burtch Maintenance Supervisor Dave Dudgeon prepare to lift the wreath to the second floor.