Those ubiquitous Bravercreek Jaycees are conducting a “Shooter Education Program” sponsored by, who else, the Daisy Manufacturing Company. That’s Daisy as in “You’ll shoot your eye out.” I helped conduct this, but was disappointed at the emphasis on selecting and fielding a team of “sharpshooters” for competition … rather than emphasize safety to the whole young demographic.

From a Lofino’s ad: “New from Northern: Menthol-scented facial tissue, 29¢.” Also Mrs. Paul’s fish sticks, 23 oz, 89¢. Fish sticks were big then; I remember my daughter, four in 1968, loving them. Not today.

The federal “Wholesome Meat Act designed to protect housewives” has now been implemented at state level, requiring grading and inspections of domestic and imported meat. Really, it took that long? Also for the “housewife” (ugh!), Salon de Beaute will put in her hair something called a “permanent wave” for a mere $12.50.

On the home front we note the death of State Representative and prominent Beavercreeker Herman Ankeney, son of prior state rep Horace. And speaking of the Ankeneys, planning is completed for the new $1.1 million Ankeney Junior High School, including a unique elevator for the handicapped. That era began focus on several major social issues, including disabilities, education, civil rights, government regulation, etc.

Remember Beavercreek’s Dean Chenowith? The local celebrity hydroplane race driver just contracted to pilot the “Smirnoff” in unlimited class national competitions. Bringing it forward, Dean went on to set national records and win four national championships piloting the famed “Miss Budweiser,” in which he was killed in 1982.

On the incorporation front, Fairborn’s Mayor Ed Duncan said he “would not give up” pressing for annexation of land in north Beavercreek Township, and would “break the opposition down.” Bringing it forward, 1968 is only four years into what would be a 16-year battle with Fairborn. (If interested, the complete saga will be presented at an open meeting of the Beavercreek Historical Society on April 24th.)

Here’s a few names from the past: BHS superintendent Virlen Klopfer reported 8000 students, compared with 1300 in 1951. Fire Chief Bud Crawford needs more volunteer “firemen.” And road superintendent Tom Ferguson “did a good job” on his 62 miles of road after the 11-inch snowfall of March 22nd … although there were “probably some roads that did not get opened.”

Before I go, Airway Fashions is advertising “Easter Parade spring fashions for the woman who is woman enough to look totally lovely.” It goes on with “soft girl shapes,” and hats … “perfect toping for your spring outfit.” I think I’ll just leave it there.

By David Shumway

David Shumway is a part of the Beavercreek Historical Society and guest columnist.