“Everyone will be salted with fire.” (Mark 9:49)

Jesus shares a puzzling statement here. He uses salt which is an agent of preservation, purification and enhancement in conjunction with fire that warms, burns and cleanses. Is Jesus saying that through the power of the fire of the Holy Spirit His followers would be cleansed, purified from sin and empowered for new life?

Would they bring a new and enhanced taste to the world through the living out of their lives? This certainly is what Jesus and the Spirit do with the Christian believer. The old life has been sacrificed and a new life, or new creation, comes into being. This new life needs constant salting with the fire of the Holy Spirit to live to the glory of God.

Dying to the old life and rising to a new life as a follower of Jesus requires God’s sovereign action. This is not something we can accomplish by pulling up our own boot straps. To be a follower of Jesus means a total dependence upon Him. This is a process that needs continued attention by our Good Shepherd. That attention will bring us to who we are meant to be in this world. We pray to be salted with His fire.

Heavenly Father, continue to do Your work within us of empowering us for an enhanced life. Your presence makes all the difference and enables us to live to Your glory. Stir up Your Spirit within us for this new life always. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

By Pastor Robert Forsberg

Pastor Robert Forsberg is retired from Light of Christ Lutheran Church in Fairborn.